Policy Inspector Announces FREE Veterans Life Insurance Benefit Search with Every Policy Inspection

Policy Inspector, Inc., the most comprehensive lost life insurance and annuity policy locator service in the U.S., is proud to announce the addition of a free veterans insurance policy search with each of its signature Policy Inspections. Each Policy Inspection searches nearly 500 of the largest life insurance companies in the nation seeking its customers’ unclaimed life insurance and annuity policies. It is estimated that there are over $1 billion in unclaimed policies sitting on insurance company books to date, a figure that grows with every passing day.

With the new, free, veterans insurance benefit search added to the service, millions more in unclaimed policies can be found and put where they belong – in the pockets of our military families.

“Our business is not just about making money, it’s about a mission: that no lost policy should be left unclaimed,” said Philip Bongiorno, Founder and CEO of Policy Inspector, Inc. “We believe that we are not only responsible to our customers, but to our country and those who defend it. That’s why we chose to offer this service for free – to thank them for protecting our freedom to do the work we do.”

Here’s how it works. When a policy is eligible for collection by a veteran’s beneficiary, the government begins a search for the claimant at their last known address. If they are unable to locate them, these funds are held by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) until the beneficiaries can be located. With Policy Inspector’s new feature, customers purchasing a Policy Inspection will automatically receive a free search for these veterans policies without any additional charge.

The free search includes policies under United States Government Life, National Service Life Insurance, Veterans Special Life Insurance, Veterans Reopened Insurance, and Service-Disabled Veterans Life. For details, contact the Policy Inspector at (802) 355-6649


The Policy Inspector contacts 500 insurance companies on your behalf, locating unclaimed life & annuity policies for you or your loved ones, all for a one-time low cost of $129.

Find Unclaimed Life Insurance Policies & Annuities

Every Inspection Covers:

Over 500 Insurance Companies

FREE: Unclaimed Veterans' Ins.

FREE: Unclaimed Pensions

Hear From Our Clients

"Thank you for helping me locate the life insurance policy on my deceased mother, even though 30 years had passed from the time of her death to this claim. I was not only able to receive the full benefit but also interest that accrued from the time of her passing. Your professionalism and persistence is greatly appreciated. I highly recommend your service to others. Thank you!"

-Jeannette B